Picnic or Restaurant Day
1 Day
Prerequisites: Comfortable riding at all three gaits.
Description: Participants are welcomed at the clubhouse with a coffee 30 minutes before the start of the ride. Presentation of the route and allocation of the horses. Each participant then saddles their horse. Finally, a 3-hour ride in the Fontainebleau forest before a well-deserved lunch break. Depending on the program, there may be a picnic or lunch at a restaurant.
An additional 2 hours on horseback to return to the Club, where participants unsaddle and groom their horses.
When: Sundays. For other availabilities, please contact us.
Price: €130 per person.

Nature Weekend in the Fontainebleau Forest
2 days/1 night
Prerequisites: Comfortable riding at all three gaits. This may be your first multi-day ride, but we cannot accommodate beginners for safety and group homogeneity reasons.
Description: Starting from the stables, we will journey through the Fontainebleau Forest towards the East. This provides an opportunity to discover the wide white sandy paths and various tree species. The "Mare aux Fées" (Fairy Pond) will offer a shady spot beneath its oak trees for lunch before heading towards the Loing Valley, in the direction of Croc Marin – a comfortable lodge with an outstanding table d'hôtes. The hospitality is impeccable, and the setting is splendid. The next day, several routes are available to continue exploring the land of a thousand clearings and sandstone. Grez-sur-Loing sometimes allows us to swim with the horses before returning through the plain or the forest, depending on preferences and the external temperature. Return to the Club, where participants unsaddle and groom their horses.
When: Please contact us.
Price: €360 per person.

The Beer Route
3 days/2 nights
The Fontainebleau Forest was once called the Forest of ‘Bière’, but to avoid any disappointment, it was a derivative of "bruyère" (heather in French). Nevertheless, two microbreweries producing their craft beer have emerged in our magnificent region, so it was impossible not to seize the opportunity to visit them... on horseback.
Prerequisites: Enjoying beer! It is not mandatory, but it certainly adds to the experience. Comfortable riding at all three gaits. This may be your first multi-day ride, but we cannot accommodate beginners for safety and group homogeneity reasons.
Description: Starting from the stables, we will explore the Fontainebleau Forest, its white sandy paths, and various tree species. It is not uncommon to encounter a deer along the way. The evening stop is in Villiers sous Grez, where Brasserie 77 Craft opens its doors to us. The next day, our destination is the small hamlet of Cugny. Along the way, we will traverse towpaths, woods, and fields. The artisanal brewery Pachamama will welcome us in the evening to showcase the beer-making process. On the third day, the return route may include a chance to swim before heading back through the plain or the forest, depending on preferences and the external temperature. Return to the Club, where participants unsaddle and groom their horses.
When: Please contact us.
Price: €495 per person.